New Year New Business

If 2021 is the year you’re going to branch out on your own and start your own own business, we say go for it!


Sourcing Box was set up by Cameron in late 2012 when he decided to do just that and use the skills and knowledge he had acquired over the years to set up a company to provide promotional goods for charities and businesses with a personal touch.


He knows the thought of going solo can be a little scary and exciting, but if you follow your heart and your instincts, you have nothing to loss. Here, Cameron shares some of his top tips and suggestions with you to help if you're planning to kick start up your dreams in the new year. 



Utilise your experience and skills 


You know your strength and weaknesses better than anyone else and know where you can make a difference.  Makes sure your business idea is something that there is a demand for and in a sector that you know something about. Speak to people you know and ask them for an honest opinion if they would want the product or services you are thinking of launching.


Market your brand


If you don’t market your new company and get yourself noticed, no-one will know your business exists. It’s important to create a memorable logo, build a professional website and take advantage of all the different digital platforms at there. It can be a lot of work if you don’t know this area but you can get help and it’s worth it. 


Put yourself out there 


Networking is vital for any new business – it’s not always what you know but who you know, so many opportunities come from putting yourself out there.  Join networking groups and breakfast clubs. Introduce yourself to people and meet other business entrepreneurs who you can learn from.  Business cards and little corporate gifts are a great way to help these people remember you. 


Never stop learning


Every days a school day. Remember there’s always something new to learn, you will never know it all.  Keep and open mind when people offer you advice, use the internet as a resource tool and keep up to date on new development and policies. Learn from other industries as well as your own and thinking outside the box might just give you the edge over your competitors. 



Don’t forget Your Promotional Products


Promotional products are a must - no matter what type of business you are setting up. Whether you are a start-up or established company, branded merchandise is fantastic for getting your name recognised and for keeping you in the thoughts of customers.

Here at Sourcing Box, we can help you pick the first promotional product for your new business and support you with your merchandise as you grow. 



Give us a call on 07776 255 437 or complete our online form.